Thursday, June 22, 2006

FBI Busts Terror Cell !


Today the FBI announced they had broken up a terrorist cell planning major attacks on American landmarks. Seven suspects, all under the age of ten, were arrested and detained outside the Tiny Terrors Daycare where the plot was alleged to have been hatched.

"The plot involved attacking landmarks across the state with mudpies and spitballs," stated FBI Agent Max Smart, "we found maps of the United States, homemade videotapes of landmarks like Disneyland and Warner Brothers Studios...even crude clay models of some of the targets. These kids are serious terrorists".

Details of the arrests document the terror tots revealing their hatred of the United States, and threatening American leaders. One six-year-old was heard to say: "President Bush is a stinky poo-head!" while a four-year-old suspect openly proclaimed: "I will pee on Mr Cheney!".

Authorities speculate that the suspects were recruited through jihadist cartoons they viewed on the internet. Daycare staff, who alerted the FBI to the plot, were all cleared of any involvement. All suspect's parents professed to knowing nothing about the terror cell.

Latest Al Qaeda Videos Panned

"The riffs are just not 'on', anymore", was rap star Fifty Cent's assessment of the latest Al Qaeda videos, "they're recycling the same old, tired tracks. I don't think these will spin in the 'hood".

All over the world, music video critics have had harsh words for recent releases from the terror-pop group Al Qaeda.

"They were hot, right after 9/11," commented pop diva Nelly Furtado, "there was a lot of passion in their work, back then. Everyone rushed out to download their latest videos. Now, they're yesterday's news. I mean - who is still watching their videos? Little cult groups of angry young losers and whacko religious fanatics, right? That's all".

"Nowheresville," was how legendary pop star Britney spears described the group. "And their videos? Borrrrrrring!"

Even the king of fashion critics, Mr. Black, was down on the latest Al Qaeda release:
"Tacky. Tack-eeee! Come on people! I mean, I understand 'traditional' - there's nothing wrong with that, but there's no excuse for looking like you've been sleeping in a cave. Take that nice Mr. Karzai - always regal, never tacky. And pinch those cheeks a bit before the camera comes on! I mean, really! It's a disgrace."

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Joys of Joylessness

Curmudgeon, he calls me.

Origins of the word "curmudgeon" -

Word has a whole little essay devoted to the subject, humorously entitled: "The Road to Cranky":
"...defined as "an ill-tempered person full of resentment and stubborn notions..."
"Just where the term "curmudgeon" came from is, alas, one of those perennial mysteries that haunt lexicographers, although we do know that "curmudgeon" first appeared in print around 1577"
"The pioneering English lexicographer Samuel Johnson, in his dictionary of 1755, asserted that "curmudgeon" was simply an alteration of the French phrase "coeur mechant," meaning "evil heart." Although this theory sounds good, there is no linguistic evidence that it is even remotely close to the truth"
"More recent theories have tried to combine "cur," meaning dog, with various stabs at what "mudgeon" might possibly mean, but none has attained general acceptance among experts" reveals the "stabs at" what "mudgeon" might mean to be:
"...the Century Dictionary, published in 1889, suggests as a possible source either of two Scottish words, mudgeon, 'grimace', or murgeon 'mock or grumble'..."

Whatever the origins of the word might be, it's meaning is clear - it means: "I'm not having any fun so neither will you, DAMMIT!"

Yes indeedy - pissin' in everyone's cornflakes! Puttin' the kibosh on the enjoyment thing.
"Turn that thing down/off ! I'll wipe that grin off yer face young man! Get back to work!" - and all the rest. Teehee. What fun! What joy!

The great thing about taking much glee in being an ill-tempered person full of resentment and stubborn notions, is that it's impossible for anyone to ruin your fun. How can someone rain on the parade of ill-temperment? By making you be happy? By forcing you to stop being resentful? Those sound like opportunities to ruin the other person's day simply by being ill-tempered and resentful about their efforts...muahaha!

Drink deeply from the bottomless well of my bitterness, and despair!


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Punk Doc is Top of the Pops

Dr. Bill and his band "Better Do What We Say Or We Won't Treat Your Cancer" are topping the charts with their hit single: "Your 'rents are killing you - sue them!".

William Bahnzaf-Glanz, better known as Dr. Bill, is an oncologist with a unique sideline - he plays lead guitar for a punk rock band composed of health promotion professionals.

Dr. Bill and the boys got their musical break performing for health promotion conventions in the US, UK and Canada - where their vitriolic opening number: "Fuck Off Asshole Patients" struck a chord with convention goers. Also popular with their partying peers were punked-up covers of "Money (That's What I Want)" and "Dust In The Wind".
"Health Promoters could really identify with this kind of music", says Bahnzaf-Glanz.

"We wanted to reach out to young people - really get our message out in a way they could also relate to", explains drummer Skinny Laddy (Brent Entwhistle), an epidemiologist, "We got a million-dollar grant from the Johnson Foundation to tour high schools and colleges playing songs like 'Fat People Suck', 'Vegetables Make Me Come', and 'Kill The Smokers Before They Kill You' - the kids just ate it up!"

"We're reviving Straight-edge culture," claimed Dr. Bill recently, "that's the place to start, anyway. From there we hope to build an aggressive youth movement modelled after the Brownshirts - young people who aren't afraid to speak up and physically intimidate members of their peer group who violate healthy behaviour morality. There's nothing wrong with peer pressure, you see, as long as it's about staying healthy and clean".

Saturday, June 17, 2006

You're An Idiot!

This blogsite is dedicated to the free and fair exchange of information and serious discussion of social and political issues of our times. We participate in a wide range of blogging networks, rings, link exchanges and similar means of encouraging everyone to visit this site and be enlightened by profound insights such as this one:

You're a frickin' idiot !

You are so stupid you make brain-damaged Sea Kelp look like Einstein.

You're thoughts and opinions are a greater threat to humanity than nuclear proliferation.

Elephant farts make a greater contribution to social discourse than the crapola that spews out of your keyboard.

If our dog had you're face we'd shave its butt and teach it to walk backward.

On the other hand, we are so illuminated and perfect that our feces release no odors.

We hope you have enjoyed your visit to our blog and invite you to leave a comment so we can ridicule you some more. Naturally, if your comment demonstrates that you actually have something intelligent to say - we will immediately delete it.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Internet Forum Addict SAVES THE WORLD!

Every major political crisis around the planet has now been resolved or is expected to be resolved within the next 48 hours, and we owe it all to an anonymous internet forum fanatic known only as "Eightball".

"I knew I could do it if I was just persistent enough," declared Eightball after he was formally awarded the title Saviour of the World during a specially convened session of the United Nations this morning. "I'm just glad that I've been able to demonstrate the power of posting essentially the same message over and over again, 24/7, on every significant discussion forum throughout the internet".

Eightball talked about the challenges he faced during the six years he's been hammering all comers on internet discussion forums - "Well, I haven't really had a 'life' for six years," he joked.

"I learned early on that I couldn't work at a job or anything, and still be able to pounce on all responses to my postings the very instant those responses appeared on the forums. I had an office job when I started, with internet access in my cubicle, but my bosses couldn't comprehend how much more important my internet crusade was than their stupid accounting ledgers - so I got fired".

"Going on welfare made things a lot easier. Sure, they don't give you much to live on but they give you enough to maintain a high-speed internet account - and eating more than once a day was too much of a distraction anyway".

Leaving the keyboard to use the bathroom interfered with his ability to compose and post 5,000 words messages on the forums also, he found - "At first, I tried just 'holding it' as long as possible - you know? - but then my kidneys started shutting down. One day I came up with the idea of modifying my captain's chair so I wouldn't even have to get up from it. I removed the leather covering and the stuffing in the seat, cut a hole just like an outhouse and put a plastic bucket under the chair. It was a bit crude, but effective".

It all started paying off, for Eightball and for a grateful world population, last Tuesday evening. It seems that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and senior members of the Hamas dominated Palestinian Parliament all logged onto the same internet discussion forum around the same time and encountered Eightball's powerful punditry in a thread titled: "Middle East - what the fuck's their problem?".

"The discussion seemed kind of slanted to me, at first...sort of anti-Israel," revealed Olmert, "so I posted some standard Zionist apologetics to balance things out".

"But then, then The Great Eightball replied to my posting and straightened me out right quick. As I read his reply, I couldn't believe the words came from a mere mortal - the brilliance of his analysis, the poetic beauty of his phrasings, the titanium forcefulness of his convictions - they put every Holy Book to shame! I started weeping and then it came to me - like an atomic explosion in my mind - the veil of my ignorance was lifted by the grace of Eightball's words and I realized we were wrong. We had always been wrong. And I knew I had to act, decisively, immediately".

At the same time, in Gaza City, Mahmoud Abbas was having similar revelatory experiences.
"Like all world leaders, I spend as much time as possible combing internet forums for the solution to my people's problems," said Abbas. "We all value the opinions of students, plumbers, car salesmen, housewives, couch potatoes, nerds and geeks more than our government ministers or academic think-tanks. You can learn a lot from these forums. But when I saw Eightball's words that day I instantly recognised my search was over. Here, at last, was The Answer. I understood at once that my own thoughts and ideas were useless nonsense, that I need only do whatever Eightball advised and everything would be ok. For everyone!"

By the next morning, 25 million copies of Eightball's Middle East analysis had been printed and distributed to every person living in Israel and the Palestinian territories. Both governments declared national holidays so that Eightball's words could be read, heard and discussed. The effect was instantaneous and miraculous. By midday, Israel and the Palestinian Authority exchanged formal apologies on behalf of all their people and millions of people on both sides came together in spontaneous "we've been wrong and we're sorry" demonstrations. Peace broke out in the Middle East, at long last.

"It's not what you say, it's how you say it," revealed Eightball when asked to share the secrets of his world-saving internet postings. "You don't even have to know what you're talking about, really. I mean, anyone can google a subject - then you just scan for something that looks good and cut & paste it into your message. What's important, is making your point in a manner that makes the other guy look like an idiot. It doesn't matter if he knows ten times as much about the subject as you - the key is in knowing how to twist their words, how to assassinate their character without justification, how to reword your own messages so that you can spam the same ideas back at them dozens of times without anyone catching on".

"Driving your opponents off the forum, that's how you really prove that your words and ideas are superior. Harrassing them into suicide is good, too. But when push comes to shove, it's the guy who always gets the last word in, they guy who dominates every conversation, the guy who sacrifices the rest of his life so he can be online and on the forum every minute of every day and night - that's the guy who ends up saving the world. And that's me!"

Kissinger Eats Banana Republic

Participants at last weeks Bilderberg group meeting in Ottawa were reportedly shocked to discover fellow participant Henry Kissinger lying semi-comatose in a hotel hallway, clutching his more than usually distended belly, after having consumed an entire Central American nation.

"It was amazing," stated a hotel porter who witnessed the culinary coup d'etat, "Uqbaragua wasn't a very big place, but he ate the whole country - the government, the military, the merchant class, the peasants...the towns, villages, fields, jungles, beaches...everything!"

When the portly prince of pernicious political policy recovered enough to sit up, Kissinger was overheard to mutter :
"Urrrrp! Excuse me".
"I am not a war criminal".

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Monster Mutant Garden Gnomes

From the BBC, June 13 2006:

"Walk into the back garden of Number 45 Lenin Street, [in Germenchik, a village in Kabardino-Balkaria], and you're in for a big surprise.

Towering over the flower beds is a 2.5-metre (8.25ft) statue of Joseph Stalin.

Twenty years ago, Asker Batyrov discovered the figure on wasteland near the village. It lay abandoned and in pieces. He picked up the bits and, with the help of his brother, stuck them back together.

The revamped Stalin was then accorded a place of honour in the corner of Asker's garden, Number 45 Lenin Street (just behind the washing line). It stands there like a monster, mutant garden gnome."

What a fabulous concept ! Monster, mutant garden gnomes!

Ordinary garden gnomes have been done to death, and although the 'kidnapped garden gnome sending postcards home from the vacation spots its kidnappers visited' prank was pretty funny the first time you heard of it years ago, the truth is that garden gnome humor is as dead as...Joseph Stalin. But - Joseph Stalin as an eight-foot tall garden gnome - that is funny!

Keeping to the mass murderer theme seems appropriate somehow, so let us suggest:

- a 10 foot tall Joseph Mengele with greenish skin and slightly pointed ears surreptitiously placed among the tulips in your neighborhood park.

- a 12 foot tall Charlie Manson, festooned with flowers in his hair, peace symbols or possibly giving the peace-sign finger V, wearing robes and with huge hairy hobbit feet, picturesquesly perched among the pines of your local leisure trails.

The possibilities are endless.

If you know of a monster mutant garden gnome in your area, please post the location and a description in the comments.