You're An Idiot!
This blogsite is dedicated to the free and fair exchange of information and serious discussion of social and political issues of our times. We participate in a wide range of blogging networks, rings, link exchanges and similar means of encouraging everyone to visit this site and be enlightened by profound insights such as this one:
You're a frickin' idiot !
You are so stupid you make brain-damaged Sea Kelp look like Einstein.
You're thoughts and opinions are a greater threat to humanity than nuclear proliferation.
Elephant farts make a greater contribution to social discourse than the crapola that spews out of your keyboard.
If our dog had you're face we'd shave its butt and teach it to walk backward.
On the other hand, we are so illuminated and perfect that our feces release no odors.
We hope you have enjoyed your visit to our blog and invite you to leave a comment so we can ridicule you some more. Naturally, if your comment demonstrates that you actually have something intelligent to say - we will immediately delete it.
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