Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Joys of Joylessness

Curmudgeon, he calls me.

Origins of the word "curmudgeon" -

Word has a whole little essay devoted to the subject, humorously entitled: "The Road to Cranky":
"...defined as "an ill-tempered person full of resentment and stubborn notions..."
"Just where the term "curmudgeon" came from is, alas, one of those perennial mysteries that haunt lexicographers, although we do know that "curmudgeon" first appeared in print around 1577"
"The pioneering English lexicographer Samuel Johnson, in his dictionary of 1755, asserted that "curmudgeon" was simply an alteration of the French phrase "coeur mechant," meaning "evil heart." Although this theory sounds good, there is no linguistic evidence that it is even remotely close to the truth"
"More recent theories have tried to combine "cur," meaning dog, with various stabs at what "mudgeon" might possibly mean, but none has attained general acceptance among experts" reveals the "stabs at" what "mudgeon" might mean to be:
"...the Century Dictionary, published in 1889, suggests as a possible source either of two Scottish words, mudgeon, 'grimace', or murgeon 'mock or grumble'..."

Whatever the origins of the word might be, it's meaning is clear - it means: "I'm not having any fun so neither will you, DAMMIT!"

Yes indeedy - pissin' in everyone's cornflakes! Puttin' the kibosh on the enjoyment thing.
"Turn that thing down/off ! I'll wipe that grin off yer face young man! Get back to work!" - and all the rest. Teehee. What fun! What joy!

The great thing about taking much glee in being an ill-tempered person full of resentment and stubborn notions, is that it's impossible for anyone to ruin your fun. How can someone rain on the parade of ill-temperment? By making you be happy? By forcing you to stop being resentful? Those sound like opportunities to ruin the other person's day simply by being ill-tempered and resentful about their efforts...muahaha!

Drink deeply from the bottomless well of my bitterness, and despair!



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